Sylvia Whittaker-Traw

School : Harvard University
Degree : Bachelor's Degree
Major : Cognitive Psychology
Graduation Year : 2026
Extracurricular activities: Community Volunteering, Art club and drawing, National Honors Society, Class President, Varsity sports
Scholarships or financial aid received? Yes
Were you US citizen or permanent resident when you applied for the school? Yes
Session duration : 40 minutes
Available Time:

Tuesday-Friday 7am-9:30am, 8:30pm-10pm EST Saturday-Sunday 9am-5pm


Hi my name is Sylvia and I come from a small town in northeast Ohio. As far as work experience goes, I have a lot of babysitting experience and customer service experience. I have extensive volunteer experience, especially from high school. I volunteered regularly at my church, held my own service projects like a mask-making project for the community, a scarf making project for local shelters, and food drives. In high school, I was an academically driven 4.0 student who took 4 AP classes, 6 dual enrollment classes, and got a 34 on my ACT. My extracurriculars were Varsity track and cross country, Art Club, History Club, National Honors Society, Marching Band, Danceline, Beta/Key club, and I was the Class president. The programs I took part in were Buckeye Girls' State, HOBY Ohio Chapter, and Young Women with Bright Futures (Mahoning Valley). I received various smaller awards, such as excellent solo and ensemble ratings, YSU English Festival essay contests, and scholastic art awards. The largest award I received was the Equitible Excellence Scholarship award, which is a national and renewable scholarship. 

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