Rebecca Kazarian

School : University of California, Davis
Degree : Bachelor's Degree
Major : Cognitive Psychology
Graduation Year : 2024
Extracurricular activities: Technical Theater (supervised for one year) Armenian club, student council club, pre-med club, volunteered at at clinic and HyeVotes
Scholarships or financial aid received? Yes
Were you US citizen or permanent resident when you applied for the school? Yes
Session duration : 40 minutes
Available Time:

Monday-Friday: 2pm-9pm Saturday: 12 pm-7pm


My first experience working was at my school's Teacher, which helped me build organizational skills, teamwork, and problem-solving. During my time there I was able to learn the technical aspects of running a show, such as sound, lighting, and stage. Also, I learned about set designing/construction, props, and projector/spotlight. Stage managing was the most memorable part of working at the theater because I was able to help with coordinating managing, production, and calling cues. During this time I learned the importance of teamwork and organizational skills, since stage managing is a very detail-oriented job. 

The second experience that was memorable was volunteering at the Mentor Collective for my University university, which allowed me to guide students into traveling to college. Helping students with time management/studying, choosing a major/changing a major, and guiding them to campus resources. Transition to university was extremely difficult for me because I didn't have anyone to help me with the process, especially when I had to move miles away from home.  Having incoming first-year students and transfer students get the opportunity to talk to someone like me about their experience has been rewarding.

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